Results Only an Expert Can Provide

The nose might be our most important feature, as it is the center point of our face. For anyone looking to address lifelong insecurities related to the appearance of their nose or even functional issues affecting health, an expert is necessary to achieve optimal results. Acclaimed as the "go-to" rhinoplasty specialist in Los Angeles by Maxim Magazine, Dr. Panossian brings a wealth of reconstructive experience to every rhinoplasty he performs. With a compassionate approach to his work, he provides tailored solutions to meet your unique aesthetic goals and functional needs.

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The Vital Role of Expertise

Rhinoplasty is an intricate procedure, making skill not only desirable but essential. A nose job isn't just about altering nasal appearance; it's about sculpting one of the most prominent features of the face while ensuring optimal function. Choosing a specialist like Dr. Panossian ensures that every aspect of your rhinoplasty journey, from initial consultation to postoperative care, is guided by a deep understanding of nasal anatomy, aesthetics, and surgical techniques, with your concerns at the forefront of his mind. With years of dedicated training and a wealth of experience, Dr. Panossian possesses the nuanced skills and artistic vision necessary to achieve results that harmonize seamlessly with each patient's unique facial structure while addressing their individual aesthetic goals and functional needs. Regarding something as significant as rhinoplasty, entrusting your care to a true specialist will make all the difference in achieving the transformative, confidence-boosting results you desire. Say goodbye to the pain you feel when you look in the mirror and bid farewell to social anxiety. Step confidently into the world with the nose you've always dreamed of.

How to Spot a Rhinoplasty Specialist: Questions to Ask

Choosing the right rhinoplasty specialist in the Pasadena & Glendale area is crucial for achieving the best possible results and ensuring a safe surgical experience. Dr. Panossian stands out as a rhinoplasty specialist due to his extensive experience, board certification in plastic surgery, mastery of both cosmetic and functional rhinoplasty techniques, and a proven track record of delivering exceptional results. To help you make an informed decision, here are key questions to ask when consulting with a potential surgeon. By asking these questions, you can gain insight into their expertise, experience, and approach to rhinoplasty:

  • How many rhinoplasty procedures have you performed?
  • Can I see before-and-after photos of your rhinoplasty patients?
  • Do you specialize in both cosmetic and functional rhinoplasty?
  • What techniques do you use for rhinoplasty?
  • Are you board-certified in plastic surgery?
  • Do you have experience with revision rhinoplasty?
  • Can you explain your approach to achieving natural-looking results?
  • How do you handle complications or unexpected outcomes?
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The Benefits of a Rhinoplasty Specialist

Choosing a rhinoplasty specialist in Pasadena & Glendale, CA like Dr. Panossian provides peace of mind due to the numerous advantages, which include the following:

Expertise in Nasal Anatomy

A specialist possesses in-depth knowledge of nasal anatomy, ensuring precise surgical techniques tailored to each patient's unique nasal structure.

Advanced Techniques

Specialists are skilled in the latest surgical techniques and advancements in rhinoplasty, resulting in optimal outcomes and minimized risks.

Personalized Approach

A specialist takes a personalized approach to each procedure, considering the patient's aesthetic goals, functional needs, and overall facial harmony.

Consistent Results

With extensive experience and a focus on rhinoplasty, specialists can consistently deliver natural-looking and symmetrical results that enhance the patient's facial features.

Comprehensive Care

Specialists offer comprehensive preoperative assessments, surgical expertise, and post-operative care, ensuring a smooth and successful rhinoplasty journey for every patient.

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A Master of the Craft Types of Rhinoplasty Dr. Panossian Offers

It's essential to recognize that a true rhinoplasty expert can perform a range of procedures, tailoring each treatment to address the unique needs and desires of every patient. Dr. Panossian's expertise encompasses various rhinoplasty techniques, ensuring you receive personalized care and achieve your desired nasal aesthetic and functional goals. Explore the diverse types of rhinoplasty procedures offered by Dr. Panossian below.

Rhinoplasty andRevision Rhinoplasty

Dr. Panossian specializes in both primary and revision rhinoplasty to enhance the aesthetic appearance and improve the function of the nose. Whether addressing size, shape, symmetry, proportion, or correcting issues from previous surgeries, he tailors each procedure to meet the unique needs of every patient. His comprehensive approach ensures a harmonious, natural-looking result while prioritizing functional concerns like breathing and nasal airflow.

Functional Rhinoplasty

This procedure improves nasal function by correcting structural issues that hinder breathing, such as a deviated septum or enlarged turbinates.

Ethnic Rhinoplasty

Dr. Panossian specializes in ethnic rhinoplasty, which involves tailoring the procedure to meet the unique anatomical features and cultural considerations of patients from diverse ethnic backgrounds.


As a reconstructive specialist, Dr. Panossian offers septoplasty to correct a deviated septum, restoring proper nasal airflow and alleviating breathing difficulties.

Cleft Rhinoplasty

Dr. Panossian performs cleft rhinoplasty to reconstruct and reshape the nose for patients who have undergone cleft lip or palate repair surgery, restoring facial harmony and function.

Nasal Reconstruction

Dr. Panossian specializes in nasal reconstruction to address deformities resulting from trauma, cancer treatment, accidents, or congenital conditions, restoring both aesthetics and function.

Septal Perforation

Dr. Panossian offers septal perforation surgery to repair perforations in the nasal septum caused by factors such as drug abuse or trauma, restoring nasal integrity and function.

Liquid Rhinoplasty

For patients seeking non-surgical options, Dr. Panossian offers liquid rhinoplasty, which uses dermal fillers to reshape and refine the nose, achieving temporary enhancements without surgery.

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Why Choose Dr. Panossian?

On your journey towards your most confident self, choosing Dr. Panossian means entrusting a true master of the craft. With a wealth of experience and accolades, including recognition as the go-to expert for rhinoplasty in Los Angeles by Maxim Magazine, Dr. Panossian's commitment to precision and patient satisfaction shines through every procedure. Whether wanting to correct functional issues, enhance your appearance, address emotional insecurities, or all of the above, Dr. Panossian's specialized expertise ensures you receive the highest standard of care. If you’re in Glendale, Pasadena, or the greater Los Angeles area, take the first step toward realizing your ideal nose by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Panossian today.

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