Neck Lift in Pasadena, CA

Aging and gravity often lead to sagging neck skin, diminishing youthful contours. Dr. Panossian, a renowned board-certified plastic surgeon, offers a transformative Neck Lift. This procedure tightens loose skin, resulting in a refreshed, younger look.

(626) 765-6885

Dr. Andre Panossian is a highly skilled plastic surgeon in Pasadena who specializes in neck lift procedures.
The procedure can effectively restore a rejuvenated neck
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Rediscover Youth with Dr. Panossian’s Neck Lift

Embrace a rejuvenated look with Dr. Andre Panossian’s expert neck lift procedure. Experience transformative benefits, including a smoother neck contour, diminished loose skin, and a slimmer neck appearance.


Banish Loose Skin

Effortlessly eliminate loose, sagging skin. Dr. Panossian’s precise technique restores a firm, youthful neck, enhancing your natural elegance.


Smooth Neck Contour

Achieve a gracefully smooth neck contour. This cosmetic procedure meticulously reshapes your neckline, ensuring a seamless, refined appearance.


Slimmer Neck Appearance

Transform into a slimmer, more defined neck profile. Dr. Panossian’s approach reduces excess neck skin, unveiling a sleeker, more confident you.

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What is a Neck Lift?

One of the telltale signs of aging is the loss of definition of the neck and the appearance of the much-despised “turkey gobble” or the “double chin.” This happens to varying degrees to nearly everyone. The superficial muscles of the neck loosen over time, and fat deposition increases in this region. The result is a blunting of the angle between the chin and neck and a loss of definition of the jawline.

One of the most gratifying procedures for both men and women is to surgically restore this angle (called the cervicomental angle), which instantly and subtly re-creates a very youthful appearance.

A neck lift can be performed alone or in combination with other facial procedures such as a facelift, brow lift, eyelid surgery, or chin or cheek augmentation. In some instances, liposuction of the neck can be combined as well to improve definition.

Ideal Candidate for Neck Lift

A neck lift surgery is ideal for individuals who have experienced changes in their neck appearance due to various factors:

  • Individuals who have experienced significant weight loss and are facing drooping skin in the neck area.
  • Those showing signs of facial aging, where the skin begins to lose its elasticity and firmness.
  • People with issues related to the platysma muscle often contribute to the appearance of neck folds.
Ideal candidates for a neck lift are individuals who have experienced changes in their neck appearance due to factors such as weight loss and facial aging
Skin laxity is a common concern addressed by neck lift procedures

Dr. Andre Panossian is a superlative plastic surgeon and a very helpful and pleasant individual. He handled a complex surgical problem and achieved a result that exceeded expectations. I would recommend him to anyone.

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  • J.M.

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Regain definition on the neck
Regain definition on the neck

The Neck Lift Surgery

The overall goal of a neck lift is to tighten the central muscles of the neck (called platysmal bands) and resuspend the hammock of the neck, thereby re-creating the lost angle between the chin and neck. To accomplish this, an incision is placed along the border of the hair-bearing scalp behind the ears.

This incision is continuous with that of a facelift if performed together. Excess skin is taken out using this incision, and the edges of these superficial neck muscles are tightened simultaneously. A separate incision is sometimes placed underneath the chin to bring together the two vertical neck bands, which are characteristic of the aging neck. Liposuction can be performed through these incisions as well without the need for additional counter incisions.

In some individuals, there may be a soft tissue prominence underneath the jaw, which represents the drooping salivary glands. If present, these glands will need to be resuspended during this procedure to restore the natural jawline. Sometimes, these glands may be excised completely if the drooping is severe.

Slight variations of this general technique can be performed as necessary on specific patients. Dr. Panossian will individualize the technique if it is indicated and if it is consistent with patient goals.


Cost of Neck Lift

The cost of a neck lift varies, influenced by the surgery procedure’s complexity, the surgeon’s expertise, and geographic location. Additional expenses include anesthesia, facility fees, and postoperative care. During your consultation with Dr. Panossian, a detailed breakdown of costs will be provided, ensuring transparency and helping you make an informed decision. Remember, investing in a neck lift is not just a financial decision but also a step towards enhancing your self-confidence and quality of life.

Are You Ready For A Consultation?

If you are considering this procedure, booking a consultation with an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Panossian is a great way to learn about the procedure and determine if it’s right for you.

How is the recovery from a Neck Lift?

Following a neck lift, a bulky supportive dressing or an elastic facial compression garment will be applied to minimize bruising and swelling. A small thin tube may be used to temporarily drain any fluid collections underneath the skin. This is typically removed the following day in the doctor’s office. Patients are then allowed to shower. Care is taken not to rub aggressively over the neck or the incisions for up to two weeks. Patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities, including sports, exercise, and heavy lifting, for a period of 4 to 6 weeks. Most patients typically return to work in 10 to 14 days. Makeup may be used as necessary to conceal any residual bruising.

Risks and Complications

What are the risks and complications of a Neck Lift?

The risks of a neck lift include bleeding, infection, difficulties with anesthesia, and unfavorable scarring. In addition, some patients may complain of a sensation of tightness in the neck that is temporary. It is rare to cause difficulties with swallowing or breathing following a neck lift. Also, in rare circumstances, there may be over- or under-correction. Patients must follow Dr. Panossian’s pre- and postoperative instructions to avoid complications. His staff is available at all times to answer questions.

Dr. Panossian is a board-certificated plastic surgeon based in Los Angeles
Dr. Andre Panossian

Why choose Dr. Panossian?

Frequently Asked Questions About Neck Lift

Last modified by Dr. Andre Panossian

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