Lip Reshaping in Pasadena, CA

Home Cosmetic Procedures Face Lip Lift, Reduction & Reshaping

Experience the elegance of perfect lips with Dr. Panossian’s lip reshaping in Pasadena. This procedure offers a harmonious blend of art and science, delivering results that enhance your natural beauty and confidence.

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If you lack the balance and shape of lips that you desire, Dr. Panossian's lip reshaping in Pasadena can help restore your natural beauty and confidence
If you are concerned about the cosmetic aspects of your lips, surgery can help you achieve a beautiful look.
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Elevate Your Beauty with Lip Reshaping

Lip reshaping with Dr. Panossian is more than a cosmetic procedure; it’s a journey toward self-confidence and aesthetic harmony. This procedure expertly balances the proportions of your face, giving you a look that’s both natural and captivating. It’s an artful approach to enhancing your facial features, offering a blend of beauty and precision.


Enhanced Symmetry and Balance

Achieve a harmonious balance in your facial features with precise lip reshaping. Dr. Panossian’s expertise ensures lips that complement your unique face shape.


Natural and Youthful Appearance

Revitalize your look with lips that exude youth and vitality. Our lip reshaping delivers a natural, rejuvenated appearance, subtly enhancing your inherent beauty.


Boosted Self-Confidence

Step out with confidence, knowing your lips look their best. Lip reshaping can significantly uplift your self-image and confidence in social and professional settings.

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The procedure

What is Lip Reshaping?

Lip reshaping surgery, a cosmetic procedure that has gained popularity in recent years, is sought after for its ability to enhance the harmony of facial features and improve self-confidence. Dr. Panossian, a renowned plastic surgeon in Pasadena, specializes in various surgical procedures aimed at reshaping and enhancing the lips to achieve a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Why People Choose Lip Reshaping Surgery

Individuals opt for lip reshaping surgery primarily to enhance their aesthetic appeal. The procedure can correct asymmetries, refine lip shape, and provide a fuller appearance, which is often associated with youth and beauty. Dr. Panossian employs different techniques to achieve these goals:

  • Dermal fillers: Injectable filler materials, like hyaluronic acid, are used to restore loss of volume and shape to the lips, creating a natural appearance.
  • Lip implants: For a more permanent solution to lip augmentation, permanent lip implants offer a long-lasting effect in enhancing volume.
  • Surgical adjustments: Procedures like lip lift, lip reduction and fat transfer, and adjustments to the lip lines can significantly alter the lip’s appearance, contributing to a more balanced facial profile.

Beyond aesthetics, lip reshaping surgery can offer functional benefits. For instance, adjustments to the lip structure can improve speech clarity or resolve issues caused by congenital defects or injuries.

Customizing Lip Reshaping: Different Approaches

Surgical Lip Augmentation Methods

Dr. Panossian, a skilled facial plastic surgeon in Pasadena, provides several options for surgical lip augmentation:

  • Fat transfer surgery: Utilizing the patient’s fat harvested from another body part, this method offers a natural way to add volume to the lips.
  • Lip lift procedures: Targeting the area between the upper lip and the nostril sill, an upper lip lift can enhance the lip’s curvature and height.
  • Augmentation with implants: For those seeking a more permanent lip augmentation, lip implants can be an ideal solution.
Dr. Panossian customizes each lip reshaping procedure to create a tailored plan that meets the individual's personal goals.
Lip reshaping employs different techniques to restore the natural appearance of the lips

Conversely, lip reduction techniques are available for those who wish to decrease their lip volume, often for functional, ethnic, or personal aesthetic reasons. This involves removing excess lip tissue, resulting in a more proportionate and comfortable lip size.

Dr Panossian was incredibly professional and comforting throughout my visits. He made sure I knew everything that the surgery consisted of and what to expect after my procedure. Both himself and his staff made my experience easy and efficient and I would recommend him to anyone who is in need of his services.

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  • Juliang

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Evaluating Your Suitability for Lip Reshaping

Determining if one is an ideal candidate for lip augmentation is a critical step. Dr. Panossian evaluates various factors, including medical conditions, the natural structure of the lips, and the individual’s cosmetic goals. Not everyone is a suitable candidate for lip augmentation, and a thorough consultation is necessary to determine the best course of action.


Cost of Lip Reshaping in Pasadena, CA

The cost of lip augmentation in Pasadena varies based on the chosen procedure. Factors influencing price include the complexity of the surgery, the type of augmentation (such as filler lip augmentation patients versus those opting for surgical adjustments), and additional treatments like chemical peels or fat grafting. Dr. Panossian provides detailed consultations to offer a clear understanding of the financial commitment involved.

The Consultation: Tailoring Your Procedure

During the consultation, patients discuss their lip augmentation goals with Dr. Panossian. This conversation is essential in crafting a personalized plan that aligns with their desired outcome.

Dr. Panossian evaluates the patient’s natural contours and facial features to determine the best lip augmentation method. This evaluation ensures that the results complement the patient’s overall appearance, achieving a natural and harmonious look.

Are You Ready For A Consultation?

If you are considering this procedure, booking a consultation with an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Panossian is a great way to learn about the procedure and determine if it’s right for you.

Preparing for Lip Reshaping: Steps to Take

Pre-Operative Guidelines and Considerations

Preparation for lip surgery is crucial for ensuring a smooth procedure and recovery. Dr. Panossian provides comprehensive guidelines, which may include:

  • Avoiding certain medications and supplements that could increase bleeding risk.
  • Arranging for transportation and post-surgery care.
  • Preparing for post-operative needs, such as cold compresses and a comfortable recovery area.

Detailed Breakdown of the Lip Reshaping Procedure

Step by Step: What Happens During Surgery

Lip reshaping surgery with Dr. Panossian is a meticulous process tailored to each patient’s unique needs. The steps generally include:

  1. Anesthesia: To ensure comfort and safety, appropriate anesthesia is administered.
  2. Incision: Depending on the technique, precise incisions are made either inside the mouth for a concealed scar or at strategic locations for implants or lifts.
  3. Augmentation/Reduction: Through these incisions, the lip is either augmented using fillers, fat grafting, or implants or reduced by removing excess tissue.
  4. Closure: Incisions are carefully closed to minimize scarring.

Anesthesia and Safety Protocols

Safety is paramount in all surgical lip lifts and augmentation procedures. Dr. Panossian adheres to stringent anesthesia and safety protocols, ensuring each patient’s comfort and well-being throughout the surgery.

Managing Risks and Recognizing Potential Side Effects

As with any cosmetic procedure, there are potential risks and side effects associated with lip reshaping. Dr. Panossian discusses these thoroughly during the consultation, including:

  • Swelling and bruising: Typically managed with cold compress and rest.
  • Infection: Prevented through proper surgical technique and post-operative care.
  • Asymmetry: Minimized through Dr. Panossian’s expert technique and experience.

In the rare event of complications, Dr. Panossian provides comprehensive follow-up care to address any issues promptly and effectively.

Your Recovery Journey Post-Lip Reshaping

Immediate Aftercare and Healing Process

The initial recovery period is crucial for the success of lip reshaping surgery. Patients can expect some swelling and discomfort, which usually subsides within a few days. Dr. Panossian provides detailed aftercare instructions to facilitate a smooth and speedy recovery. Post-operative care often includes advice on limiting sun exposure to ensure optimal healing, as UV rays can adversely affect sensitive skin during the healing phase.

Long-Term Maintenance and Follow-Up

Long-term care involves regular check-ups and adherence to specific guidelines provided by Dr. Panossian. This may include avoiding certain activities, using specific lip care products, and attending follow-up appointments to monitor the healing process.

Dr. Panossian is a board-certificated plastic surgeon based in Los Angeles
Dr. Andre Panossian

Why choose Dr. Panossian?

Frequently Asked Questions About Lip Reshaping

Last modified by Dr. Andre Panossian

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