Revitalize Your Beauty with Comprehensive Rejuvenation with Dr. Panossian in Pasadena

As we age, the visible signs of time can become a source of emotional concern, especially when creams and other treatments seem ineffective. If you’re experiencing frustration with sagging skin, deep wrinkles, and loss of facial volume that affects your self-confidence, a deep plane facelift in the Pasadena & Glendale area with Dr. Panossian could alleviate those concerns. Thankfully, Dr. Panossian is a master of reconstructive procedures, with an intimate knowledge of facial anatomy and the precision required to shift the underlying layers. Dr. Panossian brings a wealth of skill and artistry to each deep plane facelift, ensuring optimal results tailored to your natural beauty, delivered compassionately.

Face & Neck LiftBefore & Afters

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What Is a Deep Plane Facelift?

A deep plane facelift is an advanced surgical procedure designed to address significant signs of aging in the face and neck. Unlike traditional facelift techniques that primarily target the skin and superficial layers of tissue, the deep plane facelift involves repositioning and lifting the deeper layers of the face, including the muscles and connective tissue. The procedure can achieve more comprehensive rejuvenation by accessing these deeper structures, resulting in smoother contours, improved definition along the jawline and neck, and a more youthful appearance overall. Dr. Panossian specializes in this technique, offering patients a tailored approach to facial rejuvenation with long-lasting and natural-looking results.

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Cosmetic Surgery Overview

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The Benefits of a Deep Plane Facelift

Getting older means more wisdom, but the signs of aging can make you   A deep plane facelift in Pasadena & Glendale, CA with Dr. Panossian offers many transformative benefits, including the following:

  • Comprehensive Rejuvenation: Unlike traditional facelift techniques, the deep plane facelift targets deeper layers of tissue, providing more comprehensive rejuvenation for a smoother, more youthful appearance.
  • Long-Lasting Results: By addressing underlying structures, the deep plane facelift offers results that can last for many years, minimizing the need for frequent touch-ups or revisions.
  • Natural-Looking Outcomes: Dr. Panossian's expertise ensures that the results of a deep plane facelift blend seamlessly with your natural facial features, avoiding the "pulled" or overdone appearance sometimes associated with other facelift techniques.
  • Improved Jawline and Neck Contour: The deep plane facelift can effectively tighten and redefine the jawline and neck, reducing sagging and creating a more defined and youthful profile.
  • Enhanced Self-Confidence: The rejuvenating effects of a deep plane facelift often boost patients' satisfaction with their appearance, allowing them to face the world with renewed confidence and vitality.
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The Deep Plane Facelift From an Expert Facial Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Panossian speaking

Is a Deep Plane Facelift Right for Me?

Ideal candidates for a deep plane facelift in Pasadena & Glendale with Dr. Panossian are those seeking comprehensive rejuvenation of the face and neck, particularly people experiencing significant signs of aging such as deep wrinkles, sagging skin, and loss of facial volume.

This procedure is suitable for patients looking for long-lasting, comprehensive results that address surface-level concerns and underlying structural changes associated with aging. If you desire natural-looking, dramatic improvement in your facial appearance, a deep plane facelift could be your solution. Additionally, ideal candidates for a deep plane facelift are individuals who:

  • Are in good overall health and do not have any medical conditions that could impair healing or increase surgical risks
  • Have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure
  • Are non-smokers or are willing to quit smoking before their deep plane facelift

However, since each patient's needs and goals are unique, you must schedule a consultation with Dr. Panossian to determine if this procedure aligns with your expectations and preferences. During this consultation, he will evaluate your medical history and facial anatomy, discuss your concerns and goals, and propose treatment options so you can make an empowered decision.

What to Expect: The Deep Plane Facelift Procedure

During a deep plane facelift procedure, Dr. Panossian typically administers general anesthesia to ensure the patient's comfort throughout the surgery. The first step involves creating discreet incisions around the ears and possibly within the hairline to minimize visible scarring. Through these incisions, Dr. Panossian carefully lifts and repositions the underlying facial tissues, including the muscle and fat layers, to address sagging and restore youthful contours. A small, thin drain tube may be placed behind the ear to prevent fluid accumulation, which is usually removed the day after surgery.

While traditional facelift techniques primarily target the skin layer, the deep plane approach allows for more extensive repositioning of the facial structures, resulting in more natural-looking and longer-lasting results overall. Dr. Panossian employs advanced surgical techniques and meticulous attention to detail to achieve optimal outcomes tailored to each patient's unique facial anatomy and aesthetic goals. The duration of the procedure varies depending on the extent of correction needed but generally ranges from three to five hours. Throughout the surgery, Dr. Panossian prioritizes patient safety and comfort while aiming to deliver exceptional aesthetic outcomes.

Your Journey to Recovery: Post-Facelift Care and Tips

Recovering from a facelift involves several stages to ensure optimal healing and results. The recovery time for a facelift typically lasts between two and four weeks. Following Dr. Panossian’s post-operative instructions is crucial for a successful recovery.

Facelift Recovery Week 1

The day after surgery, the tube will be removed, and the dressing will be changed. During the first week of recovery, patients can expect some swelling and bruising, which will gradually improve over time. Dr. Panossian may prescribe antibiotics and pain medication to manage discomfort and prevent infection. It is essential to keep the head elevated and avoid any strenuous activities during the days after surgery. Light walks and stationary activities are allowed, but heavy lifting, contact sports, aerobics, sun exposure, high-stress daily activity, and sex should be avoided. Most patients take 7-14 days off work, and makeup can help mask any residual bruising. Some of our patients elect to have overnight monitoring at home at a surgical facility.

Facelift Recovery Week 2

Most of the swelling and bruising should diminish by the conclusion of the second week. Patients may start to notice the initial results of their facelift, with a more refreshed and youthful appearance. It is still important to follow Dr. Panossian’s instructions and avoid any activities that could compromise the healing process.

Facelift Recovery Weeks 3 and 4

During the third and fourth weeks after surgery, patients can gradually resume their normal activities as long as they have received clearance from Dr. Panossian. It is essential to continue following all post-operative instructions and attend any scheduled follow-up appointments to monitor the healing process and ensure the best possible results.

By adhering to the recovery guidelines and maintaining open communication with Dr. Panossian, patients can enjoy a smooth healing process and achieve their desired facelift results.

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Why Choose Dr. Panossian?

Having been recognized for his groundbreaking expertise by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Dr. Panossian's unparalleled expertise in reconstructive surgery makes him the ideal choice for your deep plane facelift. Dr. Panossian 's expertise in facial anatomy is unparalleled. Mentored by Dr. Ron Zuker, a pioneer in facial paralysis reconstruction, Dr. Panossian's prestigious fellowship position was granted to only one surgeon in the United States. In other words, Dr. Panossian has unparalleled insight into the complexities of facial structure, bringing a unique blend of precision and artistry to every deep plane facelift procedure, ensuring natural-looking results tailored to each patient's anatomy. Are you in Glendale or the surrounding areas? If so, take the first step toward comprehensive facial rejuvenation and renewed self-esteem by scheduling your consultation with Dr. Panossian in Pasadena, CA.

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Facelift FAQs

How long does it take to see results after a facelift?

What procedures can be performed alongside a facelift?

At what age is it appropriate to consider a facelift?

Is facelift surgery safe?

What are the risks of facelift surgery?

How much does a facelift cost?

How can I prepare for my facelift surgery?

How long does it take to see results after a facelift?

Results from a facelift vary by patient, but typically, full results are noticeable within three to six months post-surgery. While some improvement may be visible in the initial weeks following the procedure, patience is key as the healing process unfolds.

What procedures can be performed alongside a facelift?

Additional procedures can complement a facelift to target specific concerns and achieve comprehensive rejuvenation. These may include eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), brow lift, neck lift, and fat transfer. During your consultation, Dr. Panossian will discuss your goals and recommend the best combination of procedures for your unique needs.

At what age is it appropriate to consider a facelift?

The ideal age for a facelift varies depending on genetics, lifestyle, and skin condition. While the most common age range for facelift patients is typically between 40 and 60, some individuals may benefit from the procedure at a younger or older age. It's essential to consult with Dr. Panossian to determine the optimal timing for your facelift based on your specific circumstances.

Is facelift surgery safe?

Facelift surgery is generally safe when performed by a qualified, board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience. However, like any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications. These may include hematoma, facial nerve injury, infection, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. During your consultation, Dr. Panossian will thoroughly discuss these risks and take all necessary precautions to ensure your safety.

What are the risks of facelift surgery?

Facelift surgery, like all invasive procedures, carries potential risks and complications. These include hematoma, a collection of blood under the skin that may require surgical drainage, and the risk of facial nerve injury, resulting in temporary or permanent facial weakness or asymmetry. Infection is another possible risk, but proper wound care and antibiotic use can help mitigate this concern. Additionally, there's a potential for adverse reactions to anesthesia, so it's crucial to discuss any history of complications with your surgeon beforehand. Following our pre- and postoperative instructions diligently can help minimize these risks, and choosing an experienced and skilled plastic surgeon like Dr. Andre Panossian can ensure the best possible outcome.

How much does a facelift cost?

The cost of a facelift can vary depending on factors such as the extent of the procedure, the surgeon's expertise, and the geographical location of the practice. When calculating the total cost, it's essential to consider additional expenses like anesthesia fees, facility fees, and postoperative care. These variables will be discussed in detail during a consultation. While cosmetic procedures are generally not covered by insurance, financing options such as payment plans or third-party financing companies may be available to make facelift surgery more affordable for patients.

How can I prepare for my facelift surgery?

Preparing for a facelift involves discussing your goals and medical history with Dr. Panossian during a consultation. You may need to complete pre-operative tests and make lifestyle adjustments, such as quitting smoking. Dr. Panossian may also recommend discontinuing certain medications or supplements. It's important to arrange for someone to assist you after the surgery and follow any additional instructions provided by Dr. Panossian for a smooth recovery process.

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