Breast revision surgery is a specialized procedure aimed at addressing issues or complications that may have arisen from a previous breast augmentation surgery.
What is the recovery from breast revision surgery like?
Recovery from revision breast surgery is similar to other cosmetic procedures. These procedures are typically done as an outpatient. The recovery is similar to other primary procedures. A family member or friend is required to care for you on the day of surgery and for at least 24 hours following surgery. Candidates for revision surgery can expect to have their breasts covered with a gauze dressing and an elastic bandage after the procedure. General discomfort may last a day or two but can be relieved with pain medications. In some cases, a surgical drain may be required. A nurse will provide instructions on how to care for the drain and record the amount that comes out. This is then removed in Dr. Panossian’s office in the first week. In a few days, the operative dressings will be replaced with a soft bra. This bra is worn continuously for up to four weeks over a thin layer of gauze.
Stitches are usually removed within one week following plastic surgery in Pasadena. It is critical to reduce strenuous activities substantially during the first week after surgery. Having a family member or friend to help during this time with daily activities is essential. This first week is critical for the healing process and in the avoidance of postoperative complications. Approximately two weeks after surgery, light walking and similar activities are allowed, but strict avoidance of upper body workouts, heavy lifting, running, aggressive exercise, or sports is advised. There is usually some loss of sensation in the nipples and breast skin after surgery. This numbness will improve over the next six weeks. Sometimes, the nipples will undergo a period of increased sensitivity as well. In some patients, these sensory changes may last a year or more and, in some cases, can be permanent.