What is breast revision surgery?

Sometimes, when women undergo breast surgery for reconstructive or cosmetic purposes, complications and less-than-desirable results may occur. Some of these problems include capsular contracture, bad implant position, ruptured implant, breast asymmetry, malpositioned nipples and areolas, bad scarring, or loss of the nipple or part of the breast skin due to circulation issues. The result is severe asymmetry and misshapen breasts. Revisional surgery for these problems can be quite complex and require an understanding of breast anatomy and circulation. These are NOT beginner cases to do for the plastic surgeon.

How is breast implant revision surgery performed?

There are many surgical approaches employed by seasoned plastic surgeons when it comes to fixing complications from previous breast surgery. Surgical techniques include excision of tight deforming (sometimes painful) capsules that can form around breast implants, breast lift, repositioning, and/or exchange of old, ruptured, or suboptimally sized implants. Preparation for revisional breast surgery takes knowledge and expertise of the primary breast surgery, a thorough patient history including treatment for breast cancer and radiation therapy, assessment of vascularity of the breast, and other factors. Each surgical plan is specific and detailed to each patient. These surgical procedures usually take longer than the initial breast surgery to reshape a natural-appearing breast and to accurately correct symmetry problems.

What is the recovery from breast revision surgery like?

Recovery from revision breast surgery is similar to other cosmetic procedures. These procedures are typically done as an outpatient. The recovery is similar to other primary procedures. A family member or friend is required to care for you on the day of surgery and for at least 24 hours following surgery. Candidates for revision surgery can expect to have their breasts covered with a gauze dressing and an elastic bandage after the procedure. General discomfort may last a day or two but can be relieved with pain medications. In some cases, a surgical drain may be required. A nurse will provide instructions on how to care for the drain and record the amount that comes out. This is then removed in Dr. Panossian’s office in the first week. In a few days, the operative dressings will be replaced with a soft bra. This bra is worn continuously for up to four weeks over a thin layer of gauze.

Stitches are usually removed within one week following plastic surgery in Pasadena. It is critical to reduce strenuous activities substantially during the first week after surgery. Having a family member or friend to help during this time with daily activities is essential. This first week is critical for the healing process and in the avoidance of postoperative complications. Approximately two weeks after surgery, light walking and similar activities are allowed, but strict avoidance of upper body workouts, heavy lifting, running, aggressive exercise, or sports is advised. There is usually some loss of sensation in the nipples and breast skin after surgery. This numbness will improve over the next six weeks. Sometimes, the nipples will undergo a period of increased sensitivity as well. In some patients, these sensory changes may last a year or more and, in some cases, can be permanent.

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What are the risks and complications of breast revision surgery?

Breast revision surgery is more complex than other types of breast surgery. Previous scarring and vascularity issues can complicate the procedure, but it is usually safe when performed by an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon in Pasadena. Bleeding, infection, and problems with anesthesia are risks inherent to virtually all surgical procedures. These risks can be drastically reduced with strict adherence to Dr. Panossian’s pre-and postoperative instructions. Breast scar tissue is usually covered within the bra line. An individual’s tendency for keloid or thick additional scarring is sometimes unpredictable and genetically predetermined. This excess scar tissue can be treated with either steroid injections or surgical revision if they should occur. Slight asymmetry between the breasts can also occur in relation to breast shape, breast size, nipple position, or differences in sensation. In the worst-case scenario, the vascularity of the nipple and areola may be compromised, and a portion of the nipple-areola complex may die. This is a treatable problem, but surgical correction may be necessary. Dr. Panossian’s staff is available 24 hours a day to answer your concerns and questions regarding pre- and postoperative instructions in order to avoid complications. Patients are encouraged to call immediately in the event of a suspected problem.

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- T.W, Patient of Dr. Panossian

"I had an extremely successful surgery with Dr. Panossian. It went exactly as he explained it from start to finish. He has a wonderful bedside manner and is professionally attentive. His staff is amazing. He is a wise choice."

- T.W, Patient of Dr. Panossian

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Breast Revision Surgery FAQ

How Much Does Breast Revision Surgery Cost?

How Soon After Breast Augmentation Can Revision Surgery Be Performed?

Can Breast Revision Surgery Correct Pectoral Issues?

Are Drain Tubes Necessary For Breast Revision Procedures?

What Breast Revision Surgery Office Is Near Me?

How Much Does Breast Revision Surgery Cost?

Breast revision surgery, also known as secondary breast augmentation, aims to correct or improve the results of primary breast augmentation. The cost of breast revision surgery in Pasadena, CA, can vary based on several factors, such as the complexity of the procedure, surgeon’s experience, geographic location, and additional treatments required. It is important to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon for an accurate assessment and personalized treatment plan based on individual needs.

How Soon After Breast Augmentation Can Revision Surgery Be Performed?

Revision of the original breast augmentation revision surgery can be performed as soon as six months after the initial procedure. The timing may vary depending on individual circumstances and the specific reasons for revision. In the case of saline implants, early revision is possible due to their adjustability. Silicone implants may require a longer waiting period to ensure proper healing and reduce the risk of complications. The need for revision surgery can arise due to various factors such as silicone implant rupture, capsular contracture, dissatisfaction with size or shape, or changes in personal preferences. During the revision procedure, the surgeon may address these concerns by adjusting implant size, position, or type. If desired, implant removal could also be an option. It is important to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon experienced in breast revision surgery to assess whether you are a suitable candidate and determine the optimal timing for your specific circumstances.

Can Breast Revision Surgery Correct Pectoral Issues?

Breast revision surgery has the potential to address certain pectoral issues. By manipulating the placement of implants, such as moving them from the subpectoral to the subglandular position, some improvement in breast contour and function can be achieved. This repositioning allows for better utilization of existing breast tissue and enhances overall aesthetic results. Silicone implants are commonly used in breast augmentation procedures and can be utilized in revision surgeries as well. It is important to note that while breast revision surgery can help correct certain pectoral issues, individual outcomes may vary among different breast augmentation patients. Adequate initial consultation with a skilled surgeon is essential to determine the best approach for addressing specific concerns related to the pectoral muscle as well as to determine if you are a good candidate for breast implant revision surgery.

Are Drain Tubes Necessary For Breast Revision Procedures?

Revision after an initial breast augmentation surgery in Pasadena, CA, may or may not require the use of drain tubes, depending on the individual case and the surgeon’s judgment. While drains are commonly used after certain surgeries to prevent fluid buildup and promote healing, breast implant revision procedures typically do not necessitate their use. However, it is essential to consult with your surgeon to determine the best course of action for your specific situation. Ultimately, the decision regarding drains will depend on factors such as the extent of revision required and any potential complications that may arise.

What Breast Revision Surgery Office Is Near Me?

If you live near Pasadena, CA, Dr. Panossian offers breast revision surgery among his services and is conveniently located at 39 Congress St., Suite 402, Pasadena, CA 91105

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