Liposuction (Body Contouring) | Liposuction Pasadena, CA

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is the most commonly requested plastic surgery procedure. Very simply, liposuction involves the removal of unwanted fat from various parts of the body. These target areas of the body can include the abdomen, hips, thighs, upper arms, buttocks, cheeks, neck, and knees. Other medical terms used to describe liposuction include “lipoplasty” and “suction lipectomy.” In a patient with a good health condition, liposuction is an excellent way to produce a better definition by taking away stubborn pockets of fat.

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The Liposuction procedure
The Liposuction procedure

A common misconception is that liposuction can produce large amounts of weight loss to produce a profound slimming effect. In reality, traditional liposuction procedures work best when one has achieved his or her personal goals of an ideal weight. This is most true when addressing fat in the abdomen, thighs, or arms. Lipoplasty is also a great way to improve the results of breast reduction, facelift, and tummy tuck surgery.

How is liposuction surgery performed?

Lipoplasty is most often performed under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation, depending upon the extent of the surgical procedure. Several tiny incisions are placed in a triangulating fashion around problematic areas. A narrow tube (or cannula) is inserted through the incisions to suction out layers of fatty tissue beneath the skin. Dr. Panossian typically uses Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL) to facilitate the process of suctioning and breaking up fat cells. Once the first area is complete, the process is repeated through the next incision in an overlapping fashion to feather the contour.

Prior to actually beginning the suctioning process, a special local anesthetic formulation is injected in large volumes through each incision. This is called the tumescent technique. This effectively limits the amount of blood loss during lipoplasty and improves pain control.

Once these advanced liposuction techniques are complete, patients are then placed in an elastic compression garment, which will be worn for several weeks postoperatively as a companion to a good diet and controlled exercises.


What is the recovery process from liposuction like?

Lipoplasty is frequently an outpatient procedure, depending upon the extent of the surgery. An elastic bandage is worn for 6 weeks continuously. You can take the garment off to wash it occasionally. A prescription for medications is provided to control postoperative pain. Having a friend or relative to assist you in the first week is highly recommended.

Walking is encouraged on the day of surgery, but more aggressive exercise, sports, heavy lifting, or any strenuous activities are to be avoided for 6 weeks in order to ensure a faster recovery. You should plan on taking at least one week off from work to recuperate.

Risks and Complications

What are the risks and complications of liposuction?

Like any other cosmetic procedure, such as breast lift surgery or breast augmentation, fat removal surgery is relatively safe in experienced hands. A board-certified plastic surgeon in cosmetic surgery procedures ensures that they have the necessary training in body contouring treatments. Large-volume lipoplasty carries a higher risk profile, as does increasing the number of areas to be treated. The more areas treated and the larger the volume of liposuction, the higher the chance of infection, delayed healing, damaged blood vessels, and the formation of fat deposits or blood clots migrating to the lungs. There is also a risk of excessive fluid loss leading to shock and fluid accumulation underneath the skin (seroma). In addition, there may be some nerve sensitivity issues. In very rare circumstances, perforation of vital internal organs can occur. Adverse drug reactions occur rarely.

Make sure to discuss the potential risks and complications with Dr. Panossian in greater detail as they apply to your particular situation. Dr. Panossian performs body liposuction in his Los Angeles office but has privileges at local hospitals if larger volume liposuction is indicated.

The scars are small and well-hidden. However, contour irregularities (for example, bumpiness or small divots) and asymmetry can occur. There can also be numbness and pigmentation changes over the lipo areas. Occasionally, additional surgery may be recommended to improve these problems.

Rest assured that Dr. Panossian’s staff is available at all times to answer if you are a candidate for liposuction, your pre- and postoperative questions, and to address any problems that arise.

Dr. Andre Panossian is a superlative plastic surgeon and a very helpful and pleasant individual. He handled a complex surgical problem and achieved a result that exceeded expectations. I would recommend him to anyone.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Liposuction Surgery

How Much Does Liposuction Cost in Los Angeles?

The cost for liposuction may vary in Los Angeles, ranging from approximately $2,000 to $11,000. Several factors can influence the overall cost of body contouring procedures in this area. These include the extent of the procedure, the number of areas being treated, hospital fees, and the liposuction surgeon’s experience and expertise. Additionally, anesthesia fees should be considered when calculating the total cost of liposuction. The type of anesthesia used will affect the overall price. It is important to remember that while cost is a significant factor, it should not be the sole determinant when considering liposuction. Choosing a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon who prioritizes patient safety and satisfaction is crucial to achieving desirable results.

When Can I Lift Weights After Liposuction?

After liposuction, it is important to give your body time to heal and ensure a smooth recovery. Typically, you should wait around four weeks before lifting weights or engaging in any strenuous exercise. It is crucial to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts. Initially, keep the intensity level low to avoid putting excessive strain on your body.

This cautious approach will help prevent complications and ensure a successful outcome. Following these guidelines will allow your body to heal properly and minimize the risk of post-operative issues, ensuring a smooth recovery process.

How Much Weight Can You Lose From Liposuction?

Ideal candidates for liposuction are individuals who are already at or near their ideal weight but have specific areas of stubborn fat that they want to get rid of. These areas can include the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, arms, and chin. Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure; it is a body contouring treatment.

Before undergoing liposuction, it is important to have a liposuction consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon. During this consultation, the surgeon will evaluate your overall health and determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. They will discuss your goals and expectations, as well as explain the potential risks and benefits of liposuction.

The main goal of liposuction is to remove excess fat deposits to improve body contours and achieve a more sculpted appearance. It is essential to remember that maintaining a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a balanced diet is crucial after liposuction to maintain the results achieved through the procedure.

How Often Can You Get Liposuction?

After undergoing liposuction, patients may wonder how often they can get the procedure. While some individuals choose to have multiple sessions in the same area, it is important to note that the initial liposuction procedure usually provides the most noticeable results. However, there might be instances where revisions are necessary. It is crucial to wait at least six months post-liposuction before considering any additional treatments.

This waiting period allows for proper recovery from surgery and ensures that the body has reached a stable weight. Rushing into subsequent procedures could potentially compromise the results achieved from the initial liposuction and hinder overall outcome satisfaction. Therefore, patience and adherence to a stable weight are essential factors when determining the appropriate frequency of liposuction sessions.

Does Fat Come Back After Liposuction?

Fat can potentially come back after liposuction if a patient allows it to. However, this can be avoided by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and weight. The key to the successful removal of fat through liposuction is not just the procedure itself, but also the patient’s commitment to maintaining their results. Adopting a healthy diet and engaging in regular exercise are crucial components of a healthy lifestyle that can help prevent future weight gain and fluctuations.

By making these lifestyle changes, patients can maximize the effectiveness of liposuction and ensure that fat does not return. It is important for individuals considering liposuction to understand that the procedure is not a substitute for long-term commitment to overall health and well-being.

Does Liposuction Leave Loose Skin?

Liposuction does not directly result in loose skin or sagging. The main factor that influences skin elasticity is the natural production of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid within the body. These chemicals help to maintain the firmness and tightness of the skin.

During liposuction, fat is removed from specific areas of the body, which can lead to a reduction in volume and improvement in body contour. As the excess fat is removed, it allows the skin to naturally retract and tighten due to its inherent elasticity.

However, it is important to note that individual factors such as age, genetics, and overall skin health can influence how well the skin tightens after liposuction. In some cases where there is already a significant loss of skin elasticity or excessive amounts of fat being removed, additional procedures like a tummy tuck may be necessary to address any excess or sagging skin.

How Long Does It Take Skin to Tighten After Liposuction?

Skin tightening after liposuction is a normal process that occurs gradually over time. Elastic skin has the ability to adapt and tighten in response to changes in body contouring surgery. After 6 weeks, the skin will continue to tighten for up to 6 months, with visible improvements in body contour approaching 90% of the final results. This gradual tightening of elastic skin allows for a more sculpted and refined appearance, enhancing the outcome of body contouring surgery. Patience is crucial as it takes approximately 2-3 months for the skin to fully tighten, resulting in a smoother and more toned physique.

What liposuction implants office is near me?

If you live near Pasadena, CA, Dr. Panossian offers liposuction among its services and is conveniently located at 39 Congress St., Suite 402 Pasadena, CA 91105

Last modified by Dr. Andre Panossian

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